Monday, December 13, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Winter Cardinal

 Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, Winter Cardinal
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Julie Brandt: Winter Light

I want to submit my painting, Winter Light, to represent my sincere appreciation to Helen and Sara, along with the other artists, in Inspiration Collaboration for the light they gave to me during these last years of uncertainty.  I was inspired to create!  Thank you!

Sara Harley: Exit Stage Right
Photographic Collage

I've never been involved in such a lengthy art project before. I never imagined how much I would stretch and grow as an artist, and the sense of accomplishment I would feel. This piece was created using 14 images. The stage represents our project, set with a portrait showing Helen's Snow Cardinal from January 2020. The stage floor was created using Helen's Winter Cardinal (both used with her permission). The branches and berries are a modified version of my response to Snow Cardinal, and the blue jays represent the two of flying off stage on the next adventure.

Nelvia McGrath: The Harbinger
Watercolor Sketch
What is it with the name of this painting?  In symbolism cardinals are good news indeed.  Many believe that cardinal appear when angels are near.  They are said to bring a heaven-sent message of love to you.  These guys have so much devotion for their mates, our male constantly feeds his female.  Both are very good parents and we have enjoyed multiple generations of cardinals raised on our backyard feeder.

December Inspiration 1: Winter Cardinal by Helen Eaton

There was an idea... Sara wrote, "... it would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone... get my brain working in different ways."  I replied, "I've had a restless feeling that it's time for something new... different... challenging..."  72 hours and countless e-mails later, our idea had a name, a blog, an Instagram account, a Pinterest board, and participants were invited.  In the last 24 months, I have indeed been challenged to think and create outside my comfort zone.  I know I've grown as a painter, writer, and friend because of Inspiration Collaboration.  My first inspiration image was Snow Cardinal.  Winter Cardinal brings me full-circle.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Your Art Inspired by A New Adventure

  Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's photograph, A New Adventure
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Helen Eaton: February Snow
Oil on canvas, 9"x 12"

I love color, but Sara’s images and words have taught me that lots of color isn’t a requirement for beauty. Her very first inspiration image was Barely There. When I saw that 24 months ago, I thought, “Oh, dear… I can’t do this… The image is… barely there!” But, I did paint a response to that one as well as the 35 that followed.  What a rigorous artistic endeavor! What a pleasure! 

This was view from our mailbox in February of 2011.  I chose this image, this style, and this color palette for Sara’s The Next Adventure to honor her.

Jeanne King: Winter 
One of a series of origami  boxes depicting the seasons
Decorative papers, ribbons, embellishments
As we end this year of inspirations I’m grateful to Helen and Sara for the encouragement they have provided all of us. Winter is my favorite season. Its cozy silence provides a time for quiet reflection and an opportunity to discover beauty in the barest of landscapes. Let it snow!

Inspiration Image: A New Adventure by Sara Harley
As our two year Inspiration Collaboration project comes to an end, I celebrate the wonderful art that has been created by such a talented group of people. I know everyone will continue to inspire me as we go off on a new adventure.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 2021 - Inspiration Images

These are our final two Inspiration Images.  As you consider each of them, let your creativity lead you make something special this month.

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

We look forward to seeing YOUR creations this month!

December Inspiration 1: Winter Cardinal by Helen Eaton

There was an idea... Sara wrote, "... it would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone... get my brain working in different ways."  I replied, "I've had a restless feeling that it's time for something new... different... challenging..." 72 hours and countless e-mails later, our idea had a name, a blog, an Instagram account, a Pinterest board, and participants were invited. In the last 24 months, I have indeed been challenged to think and create outside my comfort zone.  I know I've grown as a painter, writer, and friend because of Inspiration Collaboration.  My first inspiration image was Snow CardinalWinter Cardinal brings me full-circle.

December Inspiration 2: A New Adventure by Sara Harley
As our two year Inspiration Collaboration project comes to an end, I celebrate the wonderful art that has been created by such a talented group of people. I know everyone will continue to inspire me as we go off on a new adventure.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Poppy

 Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's photograph, Poppy
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Helen Eaton: Poppies 
I don’t know much about poppies.  I’ve never grown a poppy, and I’m really not sure I’ve ever seen one growing.  I know the poppies in The Wizard of Oz almost put Dorothy to sleep, and I know that opium somehow comes from poppies.  Those aren’t very positive, but I recently learned that poppies are a symbol for remembering fallen soldiers. That’s good to know.
 I do think they’re beautiful flowers, but my favorite kind is spelled a different way… My four (five soon) grandkids are so lucky to have my Ron for their Pop-E.

Julie Brandt: Roadside Poppies 
Oil on Canvas
 Inspired by Sara’s single poppy, I submit my adventure in a field of roadside poppies.

Inspiration Image: Poppy by Sara Harley

As far back as I can remember, poppies have been one of my favourite flowers. It always stops me in my tracks to see a swath of them in a flower garden, and I think it would be marvelous to see a field of them. Of course, at this time of year they are a symbol of sacrifice, lest we forget.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Little Treasure

Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, Little Treasure
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Jeanne King: Red Box
Collaged box using decorative papers and embellishments
All that red! Both Helen and Sara featured red in their inspiration pieces and red is my favorite color! This is a box for holding special treasures; surely you have one or two of those, don’t you? 

Sara Harley: Little Pleasures
Composited Photograph

In January, Helen provided a blueberry muffin as inspiration. The image I created in response was accepted (and sold!) at an exhibit called Palate. After finishing at the gallery, we had a lovely time exploring and ended up at a country store filled with everything imaginable. I bought myself a winter hat with a huge pom pom on top. My husband still can't believe that I wear this hat, as I typically wear black or grey. I consider it a little pleasure, my small statement of fashion fun. Our little inspiration group has influenced me in many ways!

AJ: Hat & Scarf
Yarn Crochet
Getting ready for winter!


Inspiration Image: Little Treasure by Helen Eaton

What kinds of hats do you wear? Either metaphorically (grandma, artist, cook, gardener) or actually on your head (toboggan to keep you warm, wide brimmed to shield your face from sun, baseball cap to keep your hair up)?
I once said to my sister who wears hats beautifully, “I wish I had whatever it takes to be able to wear a hat.”  She replied, “All it takes it to put one on your head.”
Thanks Rebecca Marinoni for capturing this image with her camera and allowing me paint it.

Monday, November 1, 2021

November 2021 - Inspiration Images

There's a thought, a story, or a memory behind each Inspiration Image.  They are chosen with the hopes that one of them will give you an idea of your own.  

It's a pleasure each month to watch the diverse pieces of art that you create and add to Inspiration Collaboration.  Any art medium is welcome to be a part.

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

We can't wait to see what YOU create this month. Whether this will be your tenth or your first time to add to our collection of art, we welcome you.

November Inspiration 1: Poppy by Sara Harley

As far back as I can remember, poppies have been one of my favourite flowers. It always stops me in my tracks to see a swath of them in a flower garden, and I think it would be marvelous to see a field of them. Of course, at this time of year they are a symbol of sacrifice, lest we forget.

November Inspiration 2: Little Treasure by Helen Eaton
What kinds of hats do you wear? Either metaphorically (grandma, artist, cook, gardener) or actually on your head (toboggan to keep you warm, wide brimmed to shield your face from sun, baseball cap to keep your hair up)?
I once said to my sister who wears hats beautifully, “I wish I had whatever it takes to be able to wear a hat.”  She replied, “All it takes it to put one on your head.”
Thanks Rebecca Marinoni for capturing this image with her camera and allowing me paint it.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Fixer Upper with a View

   Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's photograph, Fixer Upper with a View.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Jeanne King: A Dream Come True
Paper Collage on China Saucer

Yes, Sara, we all have our dreams, and  my dream was  to submit an entry to Inspiration Collaboration every month this year. With this little collage, I’ve done it! Another dream this project fulfilled, one that is ongoing, is to work harder to make my creative ideas come to life. I’ve had this hand-painted saucer for years, and finally did something with it. Thanks for the creative nudge you two have given to all of us!

Julie Brandt: Dad's Peaceful Place
Oil on Canvas
The moonrise from the deck of the family cabin represents my family's love of Lake Bloomington and this little cabin that nestles into the evergreens.  My mom and dad bought this funky cabin in the 70s. They added on to the small space and fixed it up so the growing family could come up and enjoy the lake. My brother and his wife have continued to update and adorn this peaceful spot.  

Helen Eaton: The Merry House
Brick & Wood, 1791 Sq. Ft.
Yep, we have a fixer upper.
Nope, it was never our dream, but we just bought the house next door.
Yeah, it's hard work!
No, we don't know what we're doing; luckily my brother does.
Yes, we're having fun with it.
No, it's nowhere near finished.
We simply walk out our front door and cross the yard, apologize to the deer who've been resting in the strip of woods between the houses, and enter the yard of our fall project. 
For 45 years it was Mary's house. Now we call it The Merry House.

Inspiration Image: Fixer Upper with a View by Sara Harley

I’ve had many dreams throughout my life. One that just won’t go away is the dream of buying a century old fixer upper home, and  bringing it back to life. A home full of  character, perhaps with a water view, situated on a piece of land surrounded by huge trees. Maybe you love old homes too...or maybe you have your own dreams.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Peanut Butter Cup, Butterfinger, & Butterscotch

Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, Peanut Butter Cup, Butterfinger, Butterscotch.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Sara Harley: Buttercup and Butternut

When I first saw Helen’s inspiration painting, I imagined all the possibilities of candy I could eat (I mean photograph!). Maybe it’s the time of year, with all the local harvests...or maybe it’s just that I’ve been craving vegetables lately...but when I saw these squash at a local market, I knew this would be my response.


 Inspiration Image: Peanut Butter Cup, Butterfinger, & Butterscotch by Helen Eaton

Well, just yum, yum, and yum! Right?! Yes, of course I ate the missing half of the Reese's.  And, I not only ate the bite from the Butterfinger, I had to do it twice because the first bite wasn't pretty enough for the painting. A very enjoyable part of the painting process, I'd say.

Friday, October 1, 2021

October 2021 Inspiration Images

Take a moment to look at and read about each of the Inspiration Images for this month.  Does one of them strike a chord for you, give you an idea, make you think? We've learned to expect the unexpected with your submissions. You can paint, crochet, design, draw, weave, carve, scrapbook, photograph, write poetry...

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

We can't wait to see what YOU create this month. Whether this will be your tenth or your first time to add to our collection of art, we welcome you.

August Inspiration 1: Peanut Butter Cup, Butterfinger, Butterscotch by Helen Eaton

Well, just yum, yum, and yum! Right?! Yes, of course I ate the missing half of the Reese's.  And, I not only ate the bite from the Butterfinger, I had to do it twice because the first bite wasn't pretty enough for the painting. A very enjoyable part of the painting process, I'd say.


August Inspiration 2: Fixer Upper with a View by Sara Harley
I’ve had many dreams throughout my life. One that just won’t go away is the dream of buying
a century old fixer upper home, and  bringing it back to life. A home full of  character, perhaps
with a water view, situated on a piece of land surrounded by huge trees. Maybe you love old homes too...or maybe you have your own dreams.


Monday, September 27, 2021

Your Art Inspired by The Road + The Wind = The Ride

  Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, The Road + The Wind = The Ride.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Sara Harley: Parking Lot + Waiting = The Photo
Earlier this year, I took a photograph while sitting in the car waiting for my husband to return from an appointment. (Covid-19 restrictions meant I could not accompany him). A spur of the moment attempt to amuse myself turned into a mini project...every time I am sitting in the car, I try to find something of interest to photograph.  It surprises me how many stories I have discovered!

The Road + The Wind = The Ride by Helen Eaton

"It's not the destination. It's the journey." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's easy to miss wonderful surprises if I don't make a point to notice as I walk, ride, or drive.  The changing leaf color as we pull into our driveway... The fawn and doe as we walk down our dirt road... The hawk perched on the highway marker as we travel down the interstate...
I want to be intentional about noticing what's along the way.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Preserving Summer

   Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's photograph, Preserving Summer.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Jeanne King: Grid
I struggled with the September inspiration. Then it came to me out of the blue! I use a craft box for mixing paints and after finishing a project, I was washing it out when I noticed what a lovely grid the sections filled with watery, soapy paint created. So I guess I was inspired by Sara’s photograph but mostly I was inspired by a serendipitous observation!

Helen Eaton: Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine
Oil on Canvas, 6"x 6"
Instagram @helenpowelleaton
Another summer is giving its best.  Hopeful blooms turn into vegetables to be harvested. These little cherry tomatoes hold all the joy and color of the season of sun.

Preserving Summer by Sara Harley
Another season is coming to a close. Glorious blooms are fading and vegetables are being harvested. These bottled memories preserve the joyous colours of the season of sunshine.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September 2021 - Inspiration Images

A couple of Inspiration Images are here!  Which one makes you want to create something of your own? The unique thing about Inspiration Collaboration is that there is no way to predict how what direction YOUR mind will take.  The possibilities are endless. Paint, yarn, glass, stone, pen, paper, words, fabric, photography... and more!

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

So much beautiful and creative art has come from this community of artists. It's a pleasure to see each new work that YOU add to the growing collection of Inspiration Collaboration 2021.  If you haven't contributed before, maybe this is the month that you will! 

September Inspiration 1: Preserving Summer by Sara Harley

Another season is coming to a close. Glorious blooms are fading and vegetables are being harvested. These bottled memories preserve the joyous colours of the season of sunshine.

September Inspiration 2: The Road + The Wind = The Ride by Helen Eaton

"It's not the destination. It's the journey." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's easy to miss wonderful surprises if I don't make a point to notice as I walk, ride, or drive.  The changing leaf color as we pull into our driveway... The fawn and doe as we walk down our dirt road... The hawk perched on the highway marker as we travel down the interstate...
I want to be intentional about noticing what's along the way.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Basket of Peaches

 Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, Basket of Peaches.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Sara Harley: Balancing Act
Helen's inspiration prompts always manage to stretch my creative mind and get me thinking outside my usual photographic box. In response to her peaches spilling out of a basket, I decided to stack my peaches. Without the aid of photoshop, I managed a stack of five. However, I preferred this image of four (there is one unseen in the sugar bowl). It took many tries to achieve the balancing act, and I have been eating many bruised peaches!

Basket of Peaches  by Helen Eaton
There's just something about a basket of fresh peaches that gets me every time.  I want to pick one up and take a deep breath to smell it.  If you see beautiful peaches in the grocery store, go ahead... sniff one.  If you don't smell a thing, put it right back where you found it. If the vendor at the farmers' market has peaches, go ahead... smell them. Then hand him your money and let him put them into your reusable cloth bag.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Cottage Garden

     Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's image, Cottage Garden.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Jeanne King: Who Lives in the Garden?
Like Sara, gardens and gardeners are fascinating to me. I love the thought of all of the creatures that live in a garden. From the tiniest spider to the huge praying mantis, there is a whole community thriving among the flowers.

Julie Brandt: Santa Fe Garden
Oil on Canvas
Sarah’s and Helen’s depictions of a window with a garden in front made me think of these very colorful Santa Fe windows and these hollyhocks.  I always want to go to New Mexico this time of year, and painting this helped me to be there in spirit.

Helen Eaton: Cottage Flowers
Oil on Canvas, 8"x 10"
Each month I study Sara's Inspiration Image and thoughts then wait for an idea to come.  This month I kept being pulled back to her photograph.  It featured my favorite color combination: green, purple, and turquoise.  It held a story that made me wonder and made my mind wander. It fit my favorite descriptive combination: Elegance within simplicity.
I just had to spend time more time with this image.  Her image intended for inspiration became my reference photo.

Gardening is one of my hobbies, and I enjoy looking at them as well. Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, formal gardens, cottage gardens, and everything in between. The personality of the gardener shines through every time.