Saturday, February 29, 2020

Summary: February Art

We can't believe it's only the second month of Inspiration Collaboration!  What fun it is to see and read about all these beautiful creations!
It's never too late to join in. If you're inspired to create based on any of our monthly Inspiration Images, we want you to submit your creation anytime! Send us your art and we'll add it to our monthly summary.

Here is a recap of the Inspiration Collaboration art created this month in order of receipt:
"Sweet Treat" by Whitney Eaton
I've tried doing a lot of hobbies... I did woodworking for a bit... then DIY home decor... tried my hand at baking... Then I asked my mother-in-law-painter-friend to teach me how to paint.  Boy, am I glad!  I think I've settled on a good hobby!  And, I'm glad I tried baking too, otherwise I wouldn't have had such a beautiful cupcake to paint to go along with a great mug of hot chocolate!

"Small Town Music" by Deidre Townsend
When I first saw "Hibernation", I thought "purple" because of the lavender color it seems to have even though it's snow.  The, of course, the telephone poles drew my eye, and with the electric lines, I thought, "That looks like sheet music."  Reading Sara's words made me think of John Mellencamp's "Small Town," and there you go! Drawing it, I thought the notes were flowers that might bloom in her small town after all that snow is gone. 

"Cocoon" by Nelvia McGrath
Instagram: nelviamcgrath
Dried acrylic inks laid out a space perfect for a figure/head.  Combined the ink colors to do a tonal painting.  Brown flow on the right side reminded me of the right flow off the figure in my reference piece.  The cocoon is a form of hibernation, so hence the title.

"Just Down The Road" by Helen Eaton

Just down the road, just around the bend...
You'll see my veggie garden and my 12 little hens.

Just down the road, just past the hill...
You'll see purple irises and yellow daffodils.

You can watch the squirrels and cardinals in my favorite dogwood tree
or sit on my red benches and visit there with me.

Just down the road, my yard will be your view.
Come right on over!  I'll be waiting there for you.

Tea For Two by Sara Harley
"Tea For Two" by Sara Harley
There is something soothing about the thought of afternoon tea. Shouldn't we all treat ourselves to the slow comfort of tea brewed in a teapot and poured into china teacups? Add a friend to share it with, perhaps a cozy chat in a special place where contentment grows and friendship strengthens.

"Ruby Red Grapefruit" by Helen Eaton
Instagram: helenpowelleaton
So simple... so mundane... so everyday... 
     Yet beautiful if only you'll take a moment see it.
          Next time you slice your grapefruit in half, look closely... 

"The Grass Is Not Greener" by Sara Harley
I have two dogs who are restless souls if they don't get their daily walk. 
If they are in, they want out.
If they are out, they want in...especially when it's cold outside.
The grass is not always greener on the other side.

"Looking for Comfort" by Nancy MacDonald
Instagram: nancy.m.artist
When I think of comfort food in February, I think of a nice big bowl of homemade soup which makes me think of my favourite spoon.  This single vintage spoon was a gift given to me at a Christmas exchange a few years ago.  I think it's one of the simplest, probably the least expensive, most useful things I've ever received as a gift. It's not fancy but it just seems to be the perfect weight and size.  Do you have a favourite spoon?

"Little Green Teapot" by Lynn Hanousek
Facebook: Lynn Hanousek Designs
I like tea, but it's not something I look to for comfort. But I have to say this green teapot has been a constant companion all winter.  It has seen me through 2 colds and chilly days when the only way I could get warm was to have another cup of tea.  So, in a way it was a comfort.  Of course, I took my inspiration from "Hot Chocolate" but there's a bit of a nod to "Roundabout" too.

"Lens" by Nelvia McGrath
Instagram: nelviamcgrath
Lens is a quick sketch marker/acrylic/color pencil piece.  Seeing Sara's abstract photo made me immediately think of a light house lens.  Brainchild of French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnelrainchild, these complex facets truly were indispensable for naval safety and expanded global trade.  The oldest lens today is the Boston Light which turned 300 in 2016.  The 336 individual facets turn on metal wheels and can generate 1,000 watts which can be seen 27 nautical miles away.

"I Celebrate You, Mom" by Darlene Awalt
Instagram: dream.imagine.believe
This month was a little harder for me.  I used the Hot Chocolate and words Comfort Foods to come up with a gratitude poem in honor of my mom.  My mom would have been married 61 years on the 14th of February.  She passed away from Alzheimer's 12 February 2017.  I try to do something special in honour of her by volunteering at the Seniors Home and walking the beach collecting glass.

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