Friday, February 28, 2020

Your Art Inspired by Barely There

It's never too late to submit your art! Our most recent contribution for January's Barely There was received in late February. The inspirational image is at the bottom of this post.

Helen Eaton - You Can't Miss It!
Instagram: helenpowelleaton
Oil on Canvas, 6"x 12"
When I first saw Sara's photo, I thought, "Wait... I don't see anything!" Then I looked closely. There's much to notice, but it's "Barely There." There's a shoreline with trees and houses all subtly reflected in the water. Sky and water seemingly one in the same but divided by the strip of life. My mind veered the opposite direction from subtle.  I'm fascinated by people who paint their houses with loud colors… brightly colored houses in Scandinavia where much of their year is white… rows of happily colored beach houses… the random orange or purple house on an otherwise normal-colored-house neighborhood street.

Lindsey Gann - Everyone's There
Instagram: lindesy_g
Oil and acrylic
"Everyone's There" by Lindsey Gann
Everyone's There by Lindsey Gann

Lynn Hanousek - Manhattan Squall
Facebook: Lynn Hanousek Designs
Acrylic on 5"x7" canvas board
"Manhattan Squall" by Lynn Hanousek - @LynnMH501
My paintings are generally quite colorful. When I saw “Barely There” I felt the challenge to paint something with a minimal use of color. I’ve done several silhouetted NYC skylines that have included beautifully colored sunsets that I recall from driving back home over one of the city bridges. In December we had a squall and when I saw the satellite footage, it was amazing how it rolled in. I imagine this is what it might have looked like if I was in Manhattan that day.


Sandra Walker - Om
"Om" by Sandra Walker -
Om by Sandra Walker -

I've wanted to make a couple of my extra-special yoga students a little something for a while now; each year they bring me a Christmas gift and they both have written and said some truly beautiful words to me that I treasure. This Sanskrit sign for 'om' or 'aum' , drawn out slowly,' ah-oo-mmm' is said to be the sound of The Universe and that all living beings/organisms emit this deep hum. 

You can read more about the project on my blog:


Inspiration Image 2 - January: Barely There by Sara Harley 
Barely There by Sara Harley
Barely There by Sara Harley

The view along the river one day in December was a magical, misty scene. The stillness created a mirror like finish on the river, with hardly a ripple in sight. The town was barely there, mysteriously shrouded in fog.   Life is an adventure...we are who the past has made us, and we'll become who the future creates. Like the town shrouded in fog, we cannot see what the future holds in store for us no matter how many

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