Pretty eyes looking back at you... Enjoy art inspired by
by Helen's painting, Moo.
(The inspiration Image is at the bottom of the post.)
Sara Harley: Resignation
Photographic Art
When we first moved to Nova Scotia, we
enthusiastically participated in many of the country traditions.
We attended ox pulls over a few summers, and the locals were
always helpful in explaining things to us. Of course, I was
always taking photographs. Years later, reviewing my images for
this challenge, it seemed to me that his eye is full of
resignation. My original documentary style photograph has been
reimagined in a more artful manner, something I would have never
thought to do without Helen's inspiration. |
Whitney Eaton: Zoey
Instagram: @whitneykay93
Oil on Canvas
Maybe this is cheating... but I just finished this commission painting a couple of days ago and thought this pretty black and white pup goes well with that pretty black and white cow! This is a portrait of my brother's dog, Zoey. She came together in about four sessions! I was pleased! |
May Inspiration: Moo! by Helen Eaton
I was very small and given the job to "stand in the fence opening and don't let any get out" as my parents and brothers were herding cows through the chute beside the barn for medicine and ear tags. I have a vivid memory of a huge cow standing in front of me and staring me right in the eyes. I cried, "It's looking at me!" Momma came running. "Well, of course she's staring at you. She can't help it because you're so pretty. Now, here's a big stick; whack her if she comes back." So farmer-like! Sweet and practical all at once.
Maybe that's why I enjoy looking into a cow's eyes.
Hmmm... She thinks I'm pretty...