Sunday, May 31, 2020

Your Art Inspired by Purple Iris, a Silver Lining

Purple flowers and more purple flowers, and flowers with silver linings!

(The inspiration Image is at the bottom or the post.)

Lynn Hanousek: Red Tulips on a Gloomy Day
Facebook: Lynn Hanousek Designs
Acrylic on Canvas
Like Helen, I’ve planted bulbs for years and nothing. This year, something. Lovely red tulips bloomed in May to cheer me during the long, gloomy days of quarantining. Spurred on by their beauty, I have now planted tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant. One tomato plant already has tomatoes! Brighter skies lie on the horizon.

Sara Harley: Dandelion Whine, a Silver Lining
Photographic Art
Most of our neighbours have pristine lawns of green grass (thanks to the pesticide companies) or yards completely filled with gravel. In contrast, our yard has been certified as a "Wildlife-Friendly Habitat" by the Canadian Wildlife Federation. We use no chemicals, and make every effort to help the wildlife in our little plot of land. Our neighbours might not be happy, but there is a silver lining. Dandelions, the early to bloom spring flowers, play a crucial role in the health of bees and other pollinators.

Deidre Townsend: Purple Pansies
Acrylic on Canvas
I love pansies, especially purple pansies. I wanted to do a bouquet of flowers for my step-mom’s birthday. Helen's irises were tempting, but I was scared to attempt. I figured I would tackle pansies first

March Inspiration 2: Purple Iris, a Silver Lining by Helen Eaton
When we moved into our home in the fall of 2001, 
I poked iris bulbs into the ground on our hillside.
The next spring their green flags were tall and beautiful... but no flowers… 
I waited another year... and another... and another... and another… 
Lots of green flags... zero flowers... ever... 
There were too many trees, too much shade... 
not enough sun for irises to bloom... ever...

In 2009 we had a devastating ice storm... branches broken, limbs splintered.
Then…  Surprise!  That spring purple irises covered the hillside!
Toppled trees and broken limbs let the sunshine in... A silver lining... 

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