Saturday, August 1, 2020

August Inspiration Images

Enjoy seeing and reading about each of the Inspiration Images for this month. Take a moment with each of the Inspiration Images below.  Do you come back to one of them? Is there one that makes you think? Is there one that causes you to want to create something of your own?  The diversity of submissions is what makes Inspiration Collaboration unique.  They can be art created through work with paint, yarn, glass, stone, pen, paper, words, fabric, photography... There's no limit to the possibilities.

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

We love the community of artists that makes up Inspiration Collaboration. If you haven't in a while, scroll back through the blog posts and enjoy all the art YOU have created! We look forward to seeing what you create this month!

August Inspiration 1: Freedom by Sara Harley
During our months of self isolation and social distancing, many are longing for their freedom. This composited
self portrait endeavours to portray that feeling.

August Inspiration 2: Primroses on the Porch by Helen Eaton
These pretty pink primroses are singing, "Come up these steps!  There's a friendly face just inside the door and a porch swing just outside the edges of the canvas.  Sit down and enjoy. Don't be in a hurry."

I do love a good porch.

August Inspiration 3: Garden Friends by Sara Harley
I decided to add a vegetable garden this year, and in my research
I read that catmint is a good companion plant for squash.
Apparently it’s also a good companion plant for butterflies.

August Inspiration 4: When Life Gives You Lemons by Helen Eaton
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!

 Although it is easier to say when you're not facing some of life's lemons, it's a good philosophy to remember.

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