Saturday, April 18, 2020

Your Art Inspired by Mother's Hands

Here is our first response to "Mother's Hands".
Sara Harley: A Bird In The Hand
photographic art
"Stay at home" conditions are challenging and people are amusing themselves creatively. Everyone is longing for freedom.
I looked online to learn how to make a bird with hand shadows and photographed my hands using my tripod and self timer.
A little creative work on my computer added the flying crow. My title is inspired by the proverb "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," - having something, even if it is a lesser quantity, is better than taking the chance of losing it in order to attain something else that seems more desirable.

April Inspiration 4: Mother's Hands by Helen Eaton
How many stitches have these hands sewn? How many dishes have they washed? How many ears of corn have they shucked, pods of peas have they shelled, or green beans have they snapped?  How many babies' bottoms have they patted or storybook pages have they turned?
Aren't they lovely hands?

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