Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Basket of Peaches

 Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, Basket of Peaches.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Sara Harley: Balancing Act
Helen's inspiration prompts always manage to stretch my creative mind and get me thinking outside my usual photographic box. In response to her peaches spilling out of a basket, I decided to stack my peaches. Without the aid of photoshop, I managed a stack of five. However, I preferred this image of four (there is one unseen in the sugar bowl). It took many tries to achieve the balancing act, and I have been eating many bruised peaches!

Basket of Peaches  by Helen Eaton
There's just something about a basket of fresh peaches that gets me every time.  I want to pick one up and take a deep breath to smell it.  If you see beautiful peaches in the grocery store, go ahead... sniff one.  If you don't smell a thing, put it right back where you found it. If the vendor at the farmers' market has peaches, go ahead... smell them. Then hand him your money and let him put them into your reusable cloth bag.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Cottage Garden

     Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's image, Cottage Garden.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Jeanne King: Who Lives in the Garden?
Like Sara, gardens and gardeners are fascinating to me. I love the thought of all of the creatures that live in a garden. From the tiniest spider to the huge praying mantis, there is a whole community thriving among the flowers.

Julie Brandt: Santa Fe Garden
Oil on Canvas
Sarah’s and Helen’s depictions of a window with a garden in front made me think of these very colorful Santa Fe windows and these hollyhocks.  I always want to go to New Mexico this time of year, and painting this helped me to be there in spirit.

Helen Eaton: Cottage Flowers
Oil on Canvas, 8"x 10"
Each month I study Sara's Inspiration Image and thoughts then wait for an idea to come.  This month I kept being pulled back to her photograph.  It featured my favorite color combination: green, purple, and turquoise.  It held a story that made me wonder and made my mind wander. It fit my favorite descriptive combination: Elegance within simplicity.
I just had to spend time more time with this image.  Her image intended for inspiration became my reference photo.

Gardening is one of my hobbies, and I enjoy looking at them as well. Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, formal gardens, cottage gardens, and everything in between. The personality of the gardener shines through every time.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 2021 - Inspiration Images

Enjoy seeing and reading about each of the Inspiration Images for this month. Take a moment with each of the Inspiration Images below.  Do you come back to one of them? Is there one that makes you think? Is there one that causes you to want to create something of your own?  The diversity of submissions is what makes Inspiration Collaboration unique.  They can be art created through work with paint, yarn, glass, stone, pen, paper, words, fabric, photography... There's no limit to the possibilities.

Click HERE for instructions on how to submit your work.

We love the community of artists that makes up Inspiration Collaboration. If you haven't in a while, scroll back through the blog posts and enjoy all the art YOU have created! We look forward to seeing what you create this month!

August Inspiration 1: Basket of Peaches by Helen Eaton

There's just something about a basket of fresh peaches that gets me every time.  I want to pick one up and take a deep breath to smell it.  If you see beautiful peaches in the grocery store, go ahead... sniff one.  If you don't smell a thing, put it right back where you found it. If the vendor at the farmers' market has peaches, go ahead... smell them. Then hand him your money and let him put them into your reusable cloth bag.

August Inspiration 2: Cottage Garden by Sara Harley

Gardening is one of my hobbies, and I enjoy looking at them as well. Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, formal gardens, cottage gardens, and everything in between. The personality of the gardener shines through every time.