Saturday, February 6, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Friend for Tea

 Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's image, Friend for Tea
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Deidre Townsend: Friendship Tray
I bought some stuff from a flea market to make a friendship area on my front porch.  Sara’s picture made me think of sharing lemonade with a friend; therefore, you need a tray.  I repurposed an old wood wall hanging into a colorful tray.  After serving drinks, you can sit, talk, and play chess. 

Jeanne King: A Cup of T
This assemblage is dedicated to a dear friend who has kept me laughing through challenging times and who always looks on the “punny” side of things. 

Lynn Hanousek: Soup for Two
Acrylic on Canvas, 6" x 8"
What could be more comforting on a cold February afternoon than a warm cup of butternut squash soup? During the long winter days made longer by pandemic living, I’ve learned to make a variety of soup and bread just to keep things interesting and break up the monotony. It has become such a welcomed part of life now, I hope I can continue this new venture once things return to normal, whatever “normal” is.

Helen Eaton: Sweet Iced Tea
Oil on Canvas, 10"x 10"
Y'all can find all kinds of lists about living in The South. They may vary a little, but there's one thing that'll show up on every... single... list. Sweet Iced Tea.  And, it'll probably be number one on that list.
Unsweetened tea??? What??? No...  A cup of hot tea??? What??? No... 
Y'ain't havin' that! 
It's a strange thing when you realize that something that's such a normal part of life is only normal where you live!  It's like discovering you speak with an accent that you didn't even know you had!

Inspiration Image:  Friend for Tea by Sara Harley
Winter brings the longing for comforting things...a good book, a favourite drink, companionship and conversation with a friend.


  1. Nothing better than sweet tea! Pretty pieces of art!

    1. Thanks! I bet you could add another piece to make the pair a group!
      (And... just between you and me... I'd choose a good ole' Coca-Cola over tea anyway... Shhhhh...)


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