Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Your Art Inspired by Little White Church

  Enjoy the art inspired by Sara's photograph, Little White Church
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Julie Brandt: Baptist Ford Church
Multi-media Collage
I have always wanted to reimagine this sweet church that is nestled in the hills. 
This piece is constructed of printed papers cut to represent the picture with acrylic paint to enhance it.

Helen Eaton: Stone Chapel
Oil on Canvas, 8"x 10"
Social Media
A little stone chapel nestled on the edge of the woods...  It makes me wonder... How long ago was it built?  Who built it? Who worships there? How many couples have been married there? Does the stained glass make a lovely pattern across the pews when the sun shines through?

Inspiration Image:  Little White Church by Sara Harley
I have photographed churches for many years and am especially attracted to little white churches on back country roads. They always bring me peace and solace. There is something comforting about imagining all the stories that have passed through their doors over the years. Joyful celebrations, overwhelming grief, and everything in between, have been held in the hearts of the faithful.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Your Art Inspired by My Rooster, Bob

     Enjoy the art inspired by Helen's painting, My Rooster, Bob.
(The Inspiration Image is at the bottom of this post.)

Nelvia McGrath: Ode to Bob
Sketch book watercolor, 10"x 7" 

Well, Bob started as a loose watercolor strutting his stuff.  Yep, got a little watery on slinging the spritz, but still it adds some drama and mystery as to “why the heck is that there?”

Anyway as is usually the case, he got a bit tighter toward the end.  But it was sure fun adding all those luscious colors.

AJ: Farm Friend
Yarn Scraps & Cotton Stuffing
I made some little animals for my girls. 
Piglet was theit favorite.

Deidre Townsend: Coco
Acrylic on Canvas
Helen mentions the sounds around her home and list birds and their sounds.  Around many homes, including mine, you hear dog sounds! Before I even get inside from the garage, I can hear my dogs clamoring to greet me at the door. My friend, Becky, is greeted by her dog, Coco, with barks and a near toothless smile. 

Jeanne King: The Beginning Is Now
Gouache and Acrylic Paint Pens
Helen’s rooster was so beautiful; I decided to use it to explore the use of gouache and paint pens for intense color and lots of texture and pattern. Just as Bob heralds each new day, Lisa Congdon’s quote reminds us that we have many chances to start anew.

Sara Harley: Celebration
Photographic Art
This spring I have been watching a pair of starlings who have been busy building a nest in a hydro pole. I have photographed them coming and going, to-ing and fro-ing, watching the gradual creation of their home. The colourful feathers of Helen's rooster Bob, combined with a photograph of a starling with a long piece of grass, made me think of ribbons. I combined those thoughts with the joy of spring, and created Celebration, my version of a maypole dance.

Inspiration Image:  My Rooster, Bob by Helen Eaton
I love the way my home sounds. Cardinals, blue jays, finches, chickadees, wrens, robins, hawks, crows, mocking birds, whippoorwills… There’s a pair of owls that call out to each other. A red headed woodpecker beats his percussive addition to the cacophony.  Soon there will be the hum of hummingbirds as they’ll flit around their feeders.  In a few weeks there will be the tiny peeps of chicks under running around their clucking mama hen.  There are caws, peeps, twitters, tweets, hoots, clucks, hums, whistles, and then… there’s Bob… Er er-er er-errrr! All… the… time…

Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 2021 - Inspiration Images

Welcome!  We hope you join us this month and see where your creativity will take you.

We've provided two new inspiration images.  Does one of them cause your imagination to stir? remind you of something? cause you to reflect? give you an idea? We look forward to seeing your art inspired by one of them! 

We would love to see YOUR art alongside ours this month! Make it with paint... or wood... or yarn... or fabric... or words... or a camera... or clay... pen and ink...  YES, your art will fit in perfectly!

May Inspiration 1: Little White Church by Sara Harley
I have photographed churches for many years and am especially attracted to little white churches on back country roads. They always bring me peace and solace. There is something comforting about imagining all the stories that have passed through their doors over the years. Joyful celebrations, overwhelming grief, and everything in between, have been held in the hearts of the faithful.

May Inspiration 2: My Rooster, Bob by Helen Eaton

I love the way my home sounds. Cardinals, blue jays, finches, chickadees, wrens, robins, hawks, crows, mocking birds, whippoorwills… There’s a pair of owls that call out to each other. A red headed woodpecker beats his percussive addition to the cacophony.  Soon there will be the hum of hummingbirds as they’ll flit around their feeders.  In a few weeks there will be the tiny peeps of chicks under running around their clucking mama hen.  There are caws, peeps, twitters, tweets, hoots, clucks, hums, whistles, and then… there’s Bob… Er er-er er-errrr! All… the… time…